Yamamotoyama: A Fusion of Tradition and Modernity

Eisuke Tachikawa's Rebranding of Japan's Oldest Tea Merchant

In a world where tradition often takes a backseat to innovation, Eisuke Tachikawa's rebranding of Yamamotoyama, one of Japan's oldest and most established tea merchants, bridges the gap between the past and the future. The project, which won the Platinum A' Packaging Design Award in 2021, is a testament to the enduring appeal of traditional aesthetics in a modern context.

Yamamotoyama's rebranding was inspired by the aesthetic sensibilities of the Edo period, particularly the unique culture of color matching. The new packaging uses traditional Japanese colors to reflect the taste and regional characteristics of the tea. This approach not only preserves the traditional tea culture but also serves as a bridge to connect tradition with the future, a concept that is central to the rebranding.

The unique properties of Yamamotoyama's rebranding lie in its ability to modernize while retaining the charm of the long-established brand. The packaging design references the traditional colors and structure of scrolls, incorporating Yamamotoyama's original small crests and the calligraphy style of the Edo period. This fusion of old and new is a testament to the brand's commitment to keeping traditional tea culture alive.

The rebranding was a collaborative effort, with Eisuke Tachikawa leading the art direction and graphic design alongside Ryota Mizusako. Their work resulted in a design that is both modern and steeped in history, a testament to the enduring appeal of traditional aesthetics in a modern context.

Yamamotoyama's rebranding has been recognized with the Platinum A' Packaging Design Award in 2021, a prestigious accolade that recognizes world-class, exceptional, and highly innovative designs. This award is a testament to the design's contribution to societal wellbeing and its role in advancing the boundaries of art, science, design, and technology.

In conclusion, Yamamotoyama's rebranding is a shining example of how tradition and modernity can coexist in harmony. It is a testament to the power of design in preserving cultural heritage while also pushing the boundaries of innovation. The success of this project serves as an inspiration for future design endeavors that aim to bridge the gap between the past and the future.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Eisuke Tachikawa
Image Credits: Photography: Sato Kunihiko
Project Team Members: Art Direction: NOSIGNER (Eisuke Tachikawa) Graphic Design: NOSIGNER (Eisuke Tachikawa, Ryota Mizusako) Client: YAMAMOTOYAMA Co.,Ltd.
Project Name: Yamamotoyama
Project Client: Eisuke Tachikawa

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